Tag: artery
In February of 2016, model Katie May died suddenly after a visit to a chiropractor. The official cause of death was “vertebral artery dissection.” During spinal manipulation, the artery which supplies blood to brain was damaged. The brain’s arteries circle the brain around the pituitary gland consisting …
The carotid arteries supply blood to the head and neck. In humans, the right common carotid branches from the brachiocephalic artery and the left common carotid branches directly from the arch of the aorta. On the cat, as shown in the photograph, both common carotids branch from the …
Identify the vessels. 1. Inferior Vena Cava 2. Abdominal Aorta 3. Iliolumbar artery 4. External Iliac 5. Internal Iliac
The iliolumbar arteries are named for their location, supplying blood to the lumbar region of the back and the ilium of the of the pelvis. They branch from the abdominal aorta just above where it splits into the external and internal iliac arteries.
A = interlobar arteries and veins B = renal artery C = renal vein D = ureter E = renal pyramids F = minor calyx G = major calyx H = renal pelvis I = capsule J = medulla K = cortex L = nephrons
In humans, the arch of the aorta has three main branches that deliver blood to the head and arms. The cat only has two vessels that branch directly from the aorta. Many of the cat diagrams will show the following diagram to help you locate the brachiocephalic …
The celiac trunk (artery) is the first major branch of the abdominal aorta, as shown in the photo below. The celiac artery then branches into the gastric artery, which goes to the stomach, the hepatic artery that goes to the liver, and the splenic artery that goes to …
On the cat, the external iliac arteries bifurcate off the abdominal aorta, forming a Y. The internal iliac arteries also form a Y on the inside of the external iliac arteries. The external iliac arteries will continue into the hind limbs of the cat and become …
The abdominal aorta is the largest artery of the abdominal cavity. The aorta originates at the heart, forms and arch and then continues as the descending aorta. Above the diaphragm, it is called the thoracic aorta; below the diaphragm, it is called the abdominal aorta. There are …
This image of the heart shows a close-up view of the coronary vessels that are located on its surface. The cat has been injected with latex to color the vessels (blue for veins, pink for arteries.) Also visible is the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
The green pin in this heart indicates the pulmonary trunk which will split into the left and right pulmonary arteries. It is the most anterior vessel of the heart and carries blood from the heart to the lungs where blood becomes oxygenated and returns back to the …
This video traces the abdominal aorta to show where it branches to the celiac trunk, the superior mesenteric, renal arteries and inferior mesenteric. The inferior vena cava is also shown with the renal vein branches. Finally, the abdominal aorta splits to travel into the legs at the …
Finding the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries takes patience. Carefully tease away the connective tissue around the large intestine and find where it attaches to the abdominal aorta. A = abdominal aorta B = celiac trunk C = superior mesenteric artery D = inferior mesenteric artery
If you trace the aorta into the abdomen, it will eventually branch into two large vessels that go into the lower extremities, the external iliac arteries. Smaller vessels, the internal iliac vessels supply blood to the genitals.