Tag: quiz
1. Posterior Commissure 2. Anterior Commissure 3. Lamina of septum pelucidum 4. Genu of corpus callosum 5. Fornix 7. Thalamus 8. Choroid plexus 9. Splenium of corpus callosum 10. Great vein of cerebrum 11. Pineal Body 12. Quadrigeminal body (superior and inferior colliculi) 13. Cerebellum 14. Medulla …
1 = Superficial Temporal Vein 2 = Occipital Vein 3 = External Jugular 4 = Vertebral Vein 5 = Axillary (Also the subclavian where it branches from the brachiocephalic) * 6 = Facial Vein 7 = Internal Jugular 8 = Brachiocephalic *The superior vena cava (not shown) …
cranial dorsal thoracic spinal ventral diaphragm (muscle) abdominal abdominopelvic pelvic
A = interlobar arteries and veins B = renal artery C = renal vein D = ureter E = renal pyramids F = minor calyx G = major calyx H = renal pelvis I = capsule J = medulla K = cortex L = nephrons
Practice naming the neuroglial cells.
1. Phalanges (distal (a), middle (b), proximal (c) 2. Metatarsals 3. Medial Cuneiform 4. Intermediate Cuneiform 5. Medial Cuneiform 6. Cuboid 7. Navicular 8. Talus 9. Calcaneus
1. frontal 2. nasal 3. sphenoid 4. temporal 5. zygomatic 6. maxilla 7. mastoid process 8. mandible 9. mental foramen
A = cerebrum (parietal lobe) B = gyri (convolutions) C = corpus callosum D = frontal lobe E = thalamus F = hypothalamus G = pituitary gland H = midbrain J = pons K= medulla L = cerebellum (showing arbor vitae) M = transverse fissure N = …
A = retina | B = choroid | C = sclera | D = cornea E = lens | F = pupil | G = iris | H = suspensory ligaments I = optic disk | J = optic nerve | K = fovea centralis (macula) X …