Tag: pituitary

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Brain Stem Unlabeled

The brain stem of the sheep is located on the ventral surface of the brain. Visible features include the olfactory lobe, optic chiasma, pituitary stalk (infundibulum), midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and the spinal cord.   The image below shows the brain of the sheep with the dura mater removed.

Quiz: Brain – Sagittal View

1. Posterior Commissure 2.  Anterior Commissure 3.   Lamina of septum pelucidum 4.  Genu of corpus callosum 5.  Fornix 7.  Thalamus 8.  Choroid plexus 9.  Splenium of corpus callosum 10.  Great vein of cerebrum 11.  Pineal Body 12.  Quadrigeminal body  (superior and inferior colliculi) 13.  Cerebellum 14.  Medulla …

Brain – Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland, also called the hypophysis, is associated with the endocrine system.  It it located on the ventral side of the brain attached to the hypothalamus.   Under the direction of the brain, the pituitary gland controls the secretion of hormones that regulate growth, blood pressure, sexual …

Brain – Optic Chiasma

On the ventral side of the sheep’s brain, several nerves and structures are visible after the careful removal of the dura mater.   The image below shows the brain with the dura intact and the eye socket attached.  The blue reflective surface of the sheep tapetum can be …

Sella Turcica of the Sphenoid Bone

This structure is names for its resemblance to a “turkish chair” and is found as a saddle-shaped depression on the sphenoid bone.   The indentation (or the seat) is where the pituitary gland is located. To find the sella turcica, locate the sphenoid bone from the inside of the …